A process audit is an examination of results to
determine whether the activities, resources and behaviors that cause them are
being managed efficiently and effectively. A process audit is not simply following a trail
through a department from input to output - this is a transaction audit
What is an effectively managed process?
An effective process is one that
achieves the results that are intended – i.e. the objectives. An effectively
managed process is a process in which the activities, resources and behaviors
are planned, organized and controlled in a way that the outcomes meet specified
objectives as illustrated right.
by Process
Auditing a process or system using process techniques verifies
conformance to the required sequential steps from input to output. Process
auditors use models and tools such as simple flowcharts, process maps or
process flow diagrams.
Flowcharts typically identify
inputs, people, activities or steps, measures and outputs. The auditor normally
gets this information from a procedure or flowcharts provided by the audited
During the first part of the audit, auditors should record current
customer names, order numbers, routing numbers and project numbers so they can
link and verify process steps during the audit.